You are what you think
Once there was a boy called Rakesh. Rakesh's family was immensely rich, he studied along with two of his cousin brothers, Anoop and Swaroop. However Anoop and Swaroop didn't inherit a good fortune.
One day it was Rakesh's birthday and he showed up in the class with his brand new expensive watch. The whole class was talking about his watch, and Rakesh said it was a birthday gift from his brother. All of Rakesh's classmates were praising his brother for such an amazing gift and everyone wanted a brother like his.
Anoop walked upto Swaroop and said “I wish I had a brother like Rakesh.” Swaroop replied “ I wish to be like Rakesh's brother for my siblings!”
Years passed by. Anoop and Swaroop grew up to be young men. Swaroop kept upto his dreams; he was always there for everyone, he wasn't as rich as Rakesh ever was but Swaroop with his limited assets did everything possible and stayed happy.
Anoop on the other hand he couldn't change himself at all, he was always stuck at a point where he expected someone to get the fruit to him.
All of us are takers; we must evolve to become givers to maintain the balance
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