Recognize, Remember, Reciprocate
Once there lived a barber who always offered his services for free to his first customer of the day. His name was Billu. Billu always thank his customers for giving him an opportunity to serve them. One day a florist came to Billu as the first customer, according to Billu's practice he did the service for free to the man and thanked him, the florist was surprised and touched with the gesture of Billu. On the next day morning when Billu reached his shop he found bouquets and flowers with a note saying thank you on it. On the day Billu's first customer was man who has a sweet shop. Bill followed his practice and done the service for free to the man and also thanked him for giving him an opportunity to serve them. The man was surprised with such a nice gesture from Billu. The next morning the man send loafs of bread and a thank you note for Billu. Billu's actions were recognized and remembered, his first customers they reciprocate the action by showing their gratitude as small compliments.
We owe a lot of people in our life whom we can never repay so we must remember and reciprocate all the good deed they have done for us
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