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Proud to be an Indian
Once two gentlemen were traveling by train. One was Paras, a project head in IT. Paras was not quite happy with the train travel. The other person next to him was a well- built gentleman. Paras was keenly observed by his co-passenger. He was killing time by skimming through some contents on his laptop. The other gentleman enquired if Paras was an IT professional, to which he accepted. The other person praised Paras for being an IT professional for being part of great revenue generation for the country. Paras felt proud about his profession but still remained guarded. The other gentleman asked some  more questions about Paras' profession. Paras told him that he started as a low level associate and he used to do complex coding now, he has been promoted and now he has to get the work done. The other gentleman commented “now things would be more easy for you.” Paras said “it is not like that. Meeting the deadlines, getting the work done within the time frame, meeting target - its all a lot of pressure.” 
Paras' co-passenger started to speak now. He said “nobody can understand better than me about target to be met. After the mission to capture 0.4875 I have been assigned with soft assignments now. We were 30 when we were asked to capture 0.4875 from the enemy troop. The enemies were raining bullets upon us, yet we moved to achieve our target. We were on time, we won our target!! We captured 0.4875 and the last 4 survivors from the 30 hosted the Indian flag.”
Paras was shocked to confront; he was indeed talking to an army man who had risked his life for the sake of his homeland. Paras leaned forward to listen further. The gentleman introduced himself as Subedar Sushant.

Sushant continued his story; when they were trying to capture 0.4875, by the time they reached the point, they had had lost 26 soldiers and before they could host the flag one more subordinate was shot on his leg. Sushant made a run to his comrade, but Sushant was ordered to take shelter by his Captain. Sushant tried to convince his Captain that he had pledged his life for the safety of his country and his people. Suddenly, Captain took ownership and moved towards the injured and brought the wounded soldier to safety. 
While doing so, the Captain was shot on his chest. He sacrificed himself to save his teammate. Sushant realized with grief that the bullet that was meant for him was received by the Captain.
On 17th July 1999 Captain Vikram died to save his comrade, he was awarded Param Veer Chakra. As one among the brave souls, who died for their homeland, in the Kargil war.
Meanwhile Subedar Sushant's destination arrived and he packed his belongings. Before he took his leave, Paras shook hands with Sushant with wet eyes and shivering hands.
Sushant shook his hand which protected the country, the same hand which handled AK47, the hand that joined with countless other hands to build the strongest wall of protection for the nation and its people.
Paras realized how silly is his job, his work is nothing compared to a soldier, the willingness to die with pride for the country has no match ever.

We all are safe and alive only because of our soldiers, defending us on land air and water without letting their guard down no matter what the circumstances are. We all, owe them our lives..


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