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A word about Woman

This is the story of a six year little girl Prerana. Prerana lived with her parents. She had an uncle who was a regular visitor to her home. While her mother was busy with the household chores, Prerana's uncle who came with chocolates, made her sit on his lap while the little girl ate the chocolate, which went unnoticed by her mother.

One day a friend of Prerana saw her sitting on her uncle's lap and she told her about her uncle's actions not being good and that she shouldn't sit on anyone's lap like that. Prerana realized certain things at that moment and she kept herself away from her uncle. She stopped accepting chocolates from him and eventually the uncle stopped visiting. 

Prerana's dad passed away when she was only 14. The young teen was forced to work in a coffee shop as a waitress. The world had no mercy even to a young girl. The men visiting the restaurant had their hawk eyes on her. The owner of the dine, a 70 year old man was no different. The owner one day told the girl that he cannot sleep well at night if she can be with him, he may sleep well. Prenana was broken badly upon hearing him, but the poor girl had no choice but to tolerate everything and everyone. 

One day Prerana rushed to work and she forgot to have her name badge on, the owner walked up to her and in front of the rest of the staff he rubbed his wrinkled hand on her chest and asked the girl where her Name badge was! Prerana felt humiliated and she cried hard. The girl couldn't utter a thing to her mother. The so called gentlemen who called the shop to place order for their snacks, requested herself to be delivered to their den along with the coffee or snack.

Prerana cudn't hang up on them neither could she react to them because she wanted this job badly to run her home. Prerana had reached her limits with such abuses. 

One evening a man was at the shop and he was waiting. All the other customers left except this man. It was closing time of the shop and the manager of the shop turned off a few lights and left the rest for Prerana to take care of and he waved bye to the girl even when he knew the man was there and Prerana was all by herself. The man tried to grab the girl from behind her. He tried to hug her and kiss her. Prerana pulled out a small knife out of her pocket and wounded the man's hand deep enough to get rid of him. The manager of the shop was waiting outside. The stranger tried to abuse Prerana and was a friend to him. As soon as the manager heard the noise he rushed into the scene to see his friend bleeding and Prerana holding the knife. The manager yelled at Prerana for what she had done. Prerana in no time had her knife at her manager's throat and asked him to stay away. The first ever time Prerana had reacted. The situation settled to nothing less. Prerana today is someone who teaches young girls how to defend themselves. Men are made strong to protect women not to treat them submissive. If a woman chooses to live up to her full potential no man can match her. She who gave birth to you, can very much nurture your end.

Treat a woman, the way you want your mother sister or daughter to be treated

Action of violence against women only suits a bastard


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