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The stones never found

It was a family reunion after a very long time. Appetizing aroma of the food filled the mansion and everyone in the family were enjoying its flavor of the biryani. The biryani took a long time to be prepared. The family members waited so long and eventually their appetite peaked as well. Finally the biryani was served and as soon as the family members started their feast, the chef told aloud to be careful while eating the biryani. A member of the family asked the reason for it. The chef said there were stones among the rice and he removed the stones as much as he could and he didn't want anyone to eat a stone and ruin the taste of the meal. The family members who were talking, shouting and having fun quickly turned quiet and they were all focused on the stones which they may get. Everyone ate the biryani slowly and they were not really enjoying the moment, not really enjoying the taste of the meal they were having. After some time they were all done with their food and luckily none of them got any stones from their portion so far. A family member called upon the chef and said none of them got any stones. 

The chef said he was just making sure that no one gets any stone and he at his best had removed the maximum stones still there may have been one or two missed by him.

We are among the family members, the reunion and the biriyani are all the good things that we are supposed to enjoy and live with, but here we are, we are all focused on the stones in the biryani; the problems of our life or the problems in our beloved ones' lives. We may bite a stone, we shall deal with it then, but we all end up ruining the present moment.

Problems are a part of life. What matters is what are we focused on,

Is it the problems or the pleasant present we have?


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