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Gratitude is important
Once there was a rich lady who sought assistance from a therapistas she was very disappointed with her life. The therapist looked at the lady and found her well-dressed and well-groomed, it didnt seem like she was having any dearth. The therapist asked the lady to explain.
The lady said she had everything but peace of mind. Although she had everything many aspire and dream about, she couldn't find a reason to be happy and satisfied with her life. She wanted to kill herself. The therapist asked the lady to relax in the first place and called on to a housekeeping lady staff who was cleaning the hospital corridor. The housekeeping lady stepped in to the consulting room. The therapist asked her to speak about herself. 
The housekeeping lady had lost her husband due to Malaria three months back and she lost her only son in a road accident. She was devastated she wanted to end her life. For months, she didn't feel like speaking to anyone, eating anything or doing anything. She further explained “sometime back when I was walking home, a small kitten followed me home. It was a cold night and it was drizzling too. The kitten was so young and weak, I shared my shelter with it and I gave it some warm milk. The kitten quickly drank it, upon watching the kitten, I felt happy and I poured some more milk which it drank it too. The kitten came around and started to lick and cuddle my feet. I felt more happiness watching the kittens actions. After a long time the kitten was able to bring a smile on my face. Now that's when I realized if I can favor someone with a small gesture of kindness, if my actions will bring some happiness to anybody's life, I can be happy about that. Next day I packed some food for my sick elderly neighbor and I served him the same. He was so happy. It was after that I joined this hospital. I help as many people as I can and I stay happy with that. It is important to realise how much happiness you can bring to others with your small actions and gestures. We all lose our happiness because we constantly think of how much happiness we have received. There is no match for the happiness I saw on the face of the starving kitten and the way it showed its gratitude, the face of the man when he got some food, there is no definition to any of it they are all deeply beautiful and it gave me a lot of happiness.”
This incident brought light to the rich woman and she went home with deep realization and satisfaction.
Smile is contagious. Any professional should start his / her day with a smile on the face which will eventually make others associated with him / her also smile. Your smile can change the very atmosphere you are in. A smile is the key to stay happy, positive and it will take away our stress. Give your best to keep up your smile, spread joy and happiness and stay happy.

The saying is very true a taker may eat well but a giver will sleep well for sure


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